Depression (Psychology for everyone) (Pages 337)

Brand Name: Ideaz Overseas

MRP: 480

Price: 320

Description: Depression Depression is everywhere. I have found that Depression is universal, it does not recognize male, female, cast, religion, age... it can catch anyone on this earth. It’s unbelievable that even the pets go through Depression. (Animal psychology is a different subject, but one can understand the seriousness of the subject.) While discussing the subject we have tried to keep it as simple as possible. It is not the medical paper but will be able to give you the basic idea to prevent it. But if you have severe Depression, please consult the psychiatric or a psychological consultant. This book is a part of day-to-day Psychology for everyone. Like Corona virus the tagline for Depression is to ‘avoid it’ Once Depression enters in your life then it is very difficult to get rid of it completely. The problem is, patient keep fighting with it for at least 6 to seven months time. Then after severe symptoms the patient declares it to family members, family members first ignore, laugh at the problem for next six months time. Sometimes family members start experimenting on the patient. Many times unscientific parapsychological treatments are given at religious places. The situation turns from bad to worst by the time of 2 to 3 years. Then the family decides to take help of a psychiatry or the psychological consultant. Meanwhile patient turns into a perfect negative person, he or she might suffer with the broken relationships, at home at working place and in the society. The patient loses charm in life, then crates problem with others. To avoid this one has to know the Depression. All the best
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